About Us

Who we are

Welcome to Ongoing Lagos, your trusted platform for checking lis pendens on real estate properties. Lis Pendens is a Latin term that translates to "pending lawsuit." Our platform provides up-to-date information on properties that are under legal dispute, allowing users to make informed decisions in the real estate market.

Key features of Ongoing Lagos:

At Ongoing Lagos, we are dedicated to transparency and providing valuable insights to our users. Our mission is to empower individuals and businesses with the information they need to navigate the real estate landscape effectively.

Our Goal

We understand that a necessary and fundamental step in acquiring land/landed property or dealing in real estate is investigation of title in order to ascertain inter alia any encumbrance on the land. While a search at the Lands Registry may reveal current ownership status in respect of the real estate/property, it would fail to show pending litigation over the said property.

Ongoing Lagos Lis Pendens Electronic System is designed to provide easy access information to anyone who wants to deal in real estate with information primarily on whether the property is subject of litigation (a case in Court). In addition, we offer end-user the platform for filing a Lis Pendens entry (submitting a land related lawsuit) which may be uploaded on the Lis Pendens Online System thus giving actual and constructive notice to the public and innocent purchasers. We also provide our subscribers with the option of applying for an online Lis Pendens Certificate as proof that a piece of property is subject of a law suit. This may be used as evidence in Court, forwarded to prospective purchasers, mortgagees, lenders etc. as a caveat.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us.

Meet Our Team

Team Member 1

John Doe

Team Member 2

Jane Smith

Lead Developer